S&S Systems goes world-wide with Andon board

S&S Systems has delivered a revolutionary multi-level, interactive Andon board for process optimisation at Emerson.
Emerson Automation Solutions, part of the global Emerson Inc., is a global Fortune 500 manufacturing company that brings technology and engineering together to offer innovative total solutions to customers. Emerson wanted to improve production flow on the shop floor by using a visual and automated information system. This way, employees can see for themselves how they are performing, which targets they have to meet and where production buffers overflow, in order to better determine where extra support is needed.
The added value of S&S Systems lay mainly in a good collaboration, in which our Andon specialists were able to translate Emerson's wishes into the most optimal visualisation, while the data specialists worked on the business logic that controls the Andon board. This new multi-level Andon board is placed at strategic places in production, so that everyone is immediately aware of the status of the production flow. The same Andon board can be used as a production flow management tool via a web browser.
S&S Systems was asked by Emerson to roll out this product worldwide. The realisation of Andon boards in the United States and Mexico is now in full swing.